a Valais Blacknose Sheep

All About Valais Blacknose Sheep: Cute Sheep From Switzerland

The Valais Blacknose sheep are a charming breed of sheep that originated from the Valais region of Switzerland. They have distinctive black markings on their faces, ears, knees, and feet, and long, curly wool that covers their bodies. They are raised for both food and wool, and they are well-adapted to the harsh climate and the steep mountains of the Upper Valais. They are strong, prolific, and resource-saving animals that are exclusive to this region.

a Valais Blacknose Sheeps

Valais Blacknosed Sheep Overview

Below is some basic information about Valais Blacknosed sheep.

Valais Blacknose Sheep
Switzerland, Valais region, dating back to the 15th century, breed standard established in 1962.
  • White body
  • Black nose, eyes, ears, feet, and tail
  • Both rams and ewes have horns
  • Fluffy appearance. Rams weigh 80-130 kg, ewes weigh 70-90 kg
  • Adapted to mountain life, strong, prolific, and frugal
  • can survive in harsh environments.
  • Usually produce 1-2 lambs per year.
  • Dual-purpose sheep
  • used for both meat and wool.
  • Coarse wool, fiber diameter of about 38 microns, length about 100 mm or longer.
  • The annual wool yield is about 4 kg.
  • Purebred Valais Blacknose sheep are very rare in the US, and very expensive,
  • usually between $12,000 and $25,000.
  • Mixed breeds with different purity levels have different prices, usually between $500 and $10,000.
  • docile and friendly
  • easy to tame and handle, and have a great temperament.


Origin of Valais Blacknose sheep

Valais Blacknose Sheeps

The earliest recorded mention of the Valais Blacknose sheep breed was in 1400 A.D. But until 1962 this breed was recognized as a separate breed.

The Valais Blacknose sheep originates from the Upper Valais terrain. It is domestic and has long been chosen by people to raise for food and wool. They are praised for their resistance to the cold and the steep mountains.

The appearance of Valais Blacknose sheep

  • The Valais Blacknose has a robust and large-framed physique.
  • The black nose should be centered and it is preferred that it extend up to the eyes.
  • The ears are also black and extend up to the base of the head.
  • There should be black colorations on the ankles and on the front knees.
  • The females have black tail spots. 
  • Helical or spiral-shaped horns are typical of both ewes and rams and should be well-balanced.
  • The head and the legs should exhibit wool growth evenly and be well covered.

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Cute Valais Blacknose Sheep Stuffed Animal


Habits of the Valais Blacknose sheep



Valais Blacknose sheep have a relatively simple diet. They mainly eat grass and hay, supplemented with vitamins to make sure they are absorbing the nutrients properly. They also need fresh water all the time.


Don't get puzzled by their horns, Valais Blacknose sheep are known for their gentle and friendly temperament, which makes them popular among farmers and hobbyists as they can be very docile and friendly around humans. They are social animals, so so they prefer to graze in herds.

Living habit

Since Valais Blacknose sheep are highly adaptable to a variety of climates and environments, the housing arrangements for them are relatively loose and easy. They are suitable to graze outdoors in mountain terrain. They can also thrive in harsh weather conditions. They can also adapt to being fed in the barns.

Are Valais Blacknose sheep available in the U.S.?


The breed was exclusively raised in Switzerland until the year 2013 when several British breeders got interested in this breed.

Importation to the US is being pursued through an upgrading program using semen collected from purebred Valais Blacknose Sheep beginning in the fall of 2016.

What are Valais Blacknose sheep used for?

Valais Blacknose sheep is mainly used for two purposes, meat, and wool. The wool of Valais Balcknose sheep is praised for its softness and quality and is often used for crafting luxury clothing. Also, the meat of Valais Blacknose sheep has great taste and tenderness.

Price of Valais Blacknose sheep and why so expensive

The price of Valais Blacknose sheep varies from $4000 to $25000. The price is high due to the rarity of this breed. Conservation is underway to protect and preserve this breed. The Rare Breeds Survival Trust in the UK has listed the breed as “at risk,” and is working with breeders to ensure the genetic diversity and sustainability of the breed.



What is Valais Blacknose sheep wool used for?

Valais Blacknose sheep’s wool is usually used for crafting luxury clothing and expensive textiles. This is because although the yield of the wool per year is quite considerable, the wool has drawbacks that lead to the rarity of the wool. Valais Blacknose sheep have an excessive number of guard hairs and mixed-color wool up to the age of 18 months. That makes it hard for farmers to sell wool faster.

Are Valais sheep good for meat?

Yes, Valais Blacknose sheep have great meat quality. The meat is famous and praised for being tender and flavorful.


All in all, the article introduces a very interesting species of sheep, the Valais Blacknose sheep. They loo cute and funny, have sturdy bodies, adaptive to harsh environments, and most importantly, have huge economic benefits for grazing. After learning all those knowledge about Valais Blacknose, are you interested? How about coming to PlushThis for some best stuffed animals to decorate your house? We have the best fabric and crafting, presenting the life-like wool softness and smooth touch. Also, don't forget to check out the new series of the realistic stuffed animal collection! What are you waiting for?




