Write For Us

Share Your Voice, Share Your Stories! 

Welcome to PlushThis, where we celebrate the magic of toys, the joy of stuffed animals, dive into fascinating subcultures, and embrace the power of personal stories and experiences. We believe that everyone has a unique perspective to offer, and we want to hear yours!

Why Contribute to PlushThis?

Diverse Topics: Whether you're passionate about toys, stuffed animals, subcultures, or want to share a personal story, we welcome a broad range of topics.
Community Connection: Join a community that shares your interests! Connect with writers and readers who appreciate the enchanting world of toys and more.
Showcase Your Talent: Showcase your writing skills and establish yourself as an authority in your chosen niche. Your articles will be featured prominently on our blog, reaching a wide audience.

What We're Looking For

We are open to a variety of content, including but not limited to:
Toy Reviews and Recommendations
Stuffed Animal Stories and Adventures
Exploration of Unique Subcultures
Personal Anecdotes and Experiences

Submission Guidelines

Ready to contribute? Here's what you need to know:
1. Originality is Key: We're looking for original, engaging content that hasn't been published elsewhere.
2. Word Count: Aim for articles between 800-1500 words. Ensure your piece is well-crafted and provides value to our readers.
3. Include Visuals: Add images, infographics, or videos to enhance your content. Ensure you have the rights to use the visuals you provide.
4. Author Bio: Include a short bio about yourself, along with a profile picture. Let our readers get to know the person behind the words!

How to Submit

Ready to share your passion with the world?
Send your submissions to hello@plushthis.com with the subject line "Guest Post Submission - [Your Topic]."
We can't wait to read your unique perspectives and experiences. Join us in exploring the wonderful world of toys, stuffed animals, and beyond!
Happy writing!